I remember the story about the painting “The Kiss” by Gustav Klimt. A figure with strict, black patterns, right angles, hugs a girl decorated with circular, floral details. Together they make a perfect composition. The symbiosis of content and performance works in the same way. And when they are together – they really create an art called revenue.
Although Loft 19 is recognized on the market as a performance agency, and in our portfolio we have cooperation with the largest online shops such as Air Serbia, Fashion&Friends, Sport Vision, Remiks.com and others, practice shows that more than ever we need quality content, and we would add – video.
Artificial intelligence, metaverse, first party cookie, economic and geopolitical situation put the market in a limbo overloaded with technology, while from all sides prophetically shout: whoever has data has everything!
But why do we give data to anyone? When we peel back the layers of machine learning, let’s remember that at the end of it all there are people. And homosapiens decide with needs and emotions. In order to get data, we need to offer content that people will respond to, identify with, that provides answers and prompts them to take action. If you are buying quickly you will want such a message and explanation. If you have a larger investment, you will spend time researching the long-term value. Compare any video on Rolex’s site and, for example, Zara’s TikTok. Production should be adapted to the industry, brand and target group.
The market of the Balkans will be dominated by short forms YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reels and Stories, TikTok… This is precisely why we created the Loft19 studio, where we record a large amount of content every day, and the screenwriters put the product in the foreground. The question of content and performance is like the question of the chicken and the egg. Based on the results, we create a creative that gives us the results on the basis of which we create a creative.
Recently, the profile of a client we have been managing for 6 years was declared the best in Serbia. Many colleagues asked how the ace sets are arranged, how many tools we use, whether the budgets are high. However, in addition to the distinct strategic planning and PPC experts we are proud of, let’s not ignore the fact that we create about 130 stories or 10 videos for that profile per month.
In fact, our most successful commercial campaigns are based on storytelling. When important e-commerce days come, the consumer has a certain amount of money to spend. Many advertisers are bidding for it. We need equipment, as well as wardrobe, cosmetics, dishes, etc. Who wins the 200 EUR that the consumer has for Black Friday? That’s why communication and relationship with followers starts much earlier and lasts continuously.
You will sell easily the first time, but without good brand awareness and memorable content, do not expect the consumer to return.
At the end of the day, think about where you shop online the most and why. Do you remember what led you to the first digital “kiss” with your favorite brand?